Wednesday, April 25, 2018

180428 台美人傳統週


04/28 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
04/29 (Sun.) 8 am Taiwan


歷史, 文化, 族裔, 亞裔美國人, 台美人, 亞裔傳統週
History, Culture

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

180422 A Taiwanese veterinarian pursuing PhD and veterinary clinical pathology training in the US.

A Taiwanese veterinarian pursuing PhD and veterinary clinical pathology training in the US.

*注意:本週演講因故往後調整到週日 (US) / 週一 (TW)

04/22 (Sun.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
04/23 (Mon.) 8 am Taiwan

The American veterinary education system is very different from Taiwan's. In the US, the graduate-level professional school goes along with a comprehensive post-graduate training includes internship, residency, and specialty boards. Moreover, research is often considered as an essential component of clinical training. As a Taiwanese veterinarian who pursues PhD and clinical pathology training in the US, I will share some fun facts about the American veterinary education as well as my PhD study: "urine, serum, and kidney miRNA and gene expression characterization in dogs with chronic kidney diseases".
Do you know that American veterinary students are 90% female? How could Taiwanese veterinarians practice in the US? Are there "specialty doctors" in veterinary medicine as well? Find the answers in my talk!

Veterinary Medicine, Nephrology

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

180414 Anatomy of Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone from seismic observation

Anatomy of Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone from seismic observation

04/14 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
04/15 (Sun.) 8 am Taiwan

Old Faithful geyser has been the iconic hydrothermal feature in Yellowstone over a century since the National Park was founded in 1872. The spectacular eruption with water ejected over 30 m from the surface and the intrigued periodic eruptions attract millions of tourists per year to Yellowstone.
In this presentation, I will introduce the applications of seismology in order to understand the nature of Old Faithful geyser system. The focus of the presentation will be 1) how we can utilize the seismic signals to study the geyser system, 2) what has been done before, and 3) what can we do to reach further understanding of Old Faithful geyser in the future.

Seismology, Yellowstone

Thursday, April 5, 2018

180407 線上討論會:玉山計劃?好爬嗎?


由於本週原定的講者突然有事,無法分享,我們把本週的演講改為「線上圓桌討論會」。討論的議題是台灣教育部 / 科技部最近提出的 玉山計畫 / 玉山青年學者計畫哥倫布計畫 / 愛因斯坦培植計畫,任何相關意見、看法、支持或反對或疑問,都歡迎在討論會提出交流。

時間:4/7 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 8 pm EDT, 4/8 (Sun.) 8 am Taiwan

主題:台灣政府各項攬才計畫 (請見以上連結)