Sunday, July 29, 2018

180804 Coherent Effects in 2D Excitons

Coherent Effects in 2D Excitons

08/04 (Sat.) 6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
08/05 (Sun.) 9 am Taiwan

Physics, Optics, Condensed matter, Ultrafast optics, 2D semiconductor, Ultrafast laser, Excitons

超快光學 (ultrafast optics) 是利用光-物質交互作用來研究物質內超快現象的學問,一般指時間尺度從皮秒 (10-12 s)、飛秒 (10-15 s) 至阿秒 (10-18 s) 的現象。許多超快現象無法直接使用電學方法觀察,這時超快光學裡的激發-偵測技術 (pump-probe) 即可用來觀測電子、電洞或其他載子在物質內的動態反應。其他的超快現象如光致相變、化學反應、電漿反應也都可用類似方法觀測。在本次演講,我會介紹超快光學的基本原理以及應用,接著討論我們利用激發-偵測技術發現二維半導體中雙激子 (biexciton) 的研究過程。

Sunday, July 22, 2018

180728 Towards Real-world Alertness Estimation using Brain-Computer Interfacing

Towards Real-world Alertness Estimation using Brain-Computer Interfacing

07/28 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
07/29 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

Neuroengineering, Brain-computer interface, Alertness estimation, EEG signal processing, Machine learning, Cognitive sensing

A brain-computer interface (BCI) allows human to communicate with a computer by thoughts. Recent advances in brain decoding have shown the capability of BCIs in monitoring physiological and cognitive state of the brain, including alertness. Since drowsy driving has been an urgent issue in vehicle safety that causes numerous deaths and injuries, BCIs based on non-invasive electroencephalogram (EEG) are developed to monitor drivers’ drowsiness continuously and instantaneously. Nonetheless, on the pathway of transitioning laboratory-oriented BCI into real-world applications, there are major challenges that limit the usability and convenience for alertness monitoring. To completely understand the association between human EEG and alertness level, this study employed a large-scale dataset collected from simulated driving experiments with a lane-keeping task and EEG recordings. Overall, this study presents the contributions to developing a BCI for real-world alertness monitoring with maximal usability and convenience. The methodologies and findings could further catalyze the exploration of real-world BCIs in more applications.

Monday, July 16, 2018

180721 Speed Up Drug Discovery with Chemical Proteomics and Machine Learning

Speed Up Drug Discovery with Chemical Proteomics and Machine Learning

07/21 (Sat.) 6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
07/22 (Sun.) 9 am Taiwan

Proteomics, Computational proteomics, Drug discovery, Proteomics, Machine learning, Data science


A chemical proteomic tool, called SIM-PAL, transforms wet-lab drug discovery into a computational pattern recognition problem. This is an on-going, unpublished project. I'm going to present how I approach this problem, and open to feedback from the audience.

Monday, July 9, 2018

(延期) 180714 分子交互作用與動力學:一個偽化學系的觀察筆記


07/14 (Sat.) 6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
07/15 (Sun.) 9 am Taiwan

Chemical physics, Quantum dynamics

今年 7/8-7/12 是兩年一度的分子交互作用與動力學 (Molecular Interactions and Dynamics, MID) Gordon Research Conference,有許多美國及國際知名的教授及專家參與會議,演講內容包含大氣化學、光化學、界面反應,分子動力學、量子動力學。其中,與空氣污染息息相關的懸浮微粒 (PM) 以及其在大氣中的化學反應,也是本次會議的討論重點之一。我將會以化學物理學 (Chemical Physics) 的背景,從理論的角度分享我所觀察到 MID 領域的發展。

Monday, July 2, 2018

project Tyra 已正式更名為 Taiwanese Young Researcher Association


有鑑於 project Tyra 人數快速成長,許多成員自 15 年草創至今已移動到不同的國家地區,也十分慶幸許多來自非北美地區的新朋友加入我們,隨著 project Tyra 的成長,草創時期所取名的 project Tyra - Taiwanese Young Researchers in America 已無法代表目前的 project Tyra。在此告知各位成員,我們已於上週將全稱改為

  project Tyra - Taiwanese Young Researcher Association


- project Tyra 工作小組

Sunday, July 1, 2018

180707 Academic Presentation Tools: LaTeX, TikZ, and Beamer

Academic Presentation Tools: LaTeX, TikZ, and Beamer

07/07 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
07/08 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

Presentation tools, LaTeX, TikZ, Beamer

Academic presentation aims to deliver precise and concise messages to the audience. Apart from Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, LaTeX is an alternative typesetting system well-suited for this purpose. This talk first reviews the history and several advantages of LaTeX, and then introduces two of the enhancements: TikZ for drawing and Beamer for slides. First, LaTeX is widely used in typesetting academic papers, technical reports, books, and other scientific documents, with high efficiency. Then, TikZ is a powerful drawing package, which is able to produce high quality vector graphics in LaTeX. Finally, presentation slides can be created readily by the Beamer class in LaTeX. Several examples using LaTeX will be demonstrated.