Saturday, September 19, 2020

200926 高教怎麼了?台灣高教改革工作者座談會


陳曉郁, 國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心副研究員、台灣高等教育產業工會會員 /
許瑞福, 台大電信所博士生、前台大研究生協會會長、行政院青年諮詢委員 /
謝睿哲, 立法院教育文化委員會政策助理

09/26 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
09/27 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

Higher education, 高教科研政策、高教改革、高等人才培育、政治參與

本次演講 project Tyra 邀請到三位致力於台灣高教科研政策之研究、推動、改革的現場工作者,以訪談形式與大家分享他們的工作經驗與觀點。三位講者分別來自行政單位之施政研究團隊、高教科研從業及改革運動、以及立院高教政策擬定與監督團隊。講者將從自身的經驗出發,分享對於高教科研主管機關之人才養成、重點領域策略、高教科研機構與產業的合作整併、從業人員的權益爭取與公民政治參與之看法。預計演講時間為一小時,含聽眾問答互動。

Saturday, September 12, 2020

200919 Advances in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: A Synchrotron in Electron Microscope

Advances in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: A Synchrotron in Electron Microscope

廖堃硯 (Kun-Yen Liao), PhD student, The University of Tokyo

09/19 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
09/20 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

Materials Science, Electron Microscopy, Materials Characterization, Electron Microscopy, STEM-EELS, Atomic Spectroscopy

Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) is a powerful tool for high-resolution chemical analysis. Various information can be obtained from EELS such as valence states and local coordination. Using small incident electron probe, STEM-EELS has the advantage to be recorded in atomic resolution, serving as a complementary tool for X-ray and neutron spectroscopy. In recent years, improvement of electron monochromator has enable nm-scale detection of plasmon and phonon excitation in nanomaterials and interfaces. These advantages have made STEM-EELS a synchrotron-like facility in the microscope.
In the presentation, I will start with the introduction and recent development of modern Cs-corrected electron microscope. Afterward, I will focus on the principle of STEM-EELS working for different energy range. Several examples, including structural, plasmonic and phonon studies, will be introduced. Finally, theoretical calculation of EELS using density functional theory (DFT) and neural network will be shortly explained.

Friday, September 4, 2020

200912 Sweaty Humans in a GCM: When and Where Are the First Unlivable Places on Earth?

Sweaty Humans in a GCM: When and Where Are the First Unlivable Places on Earth?

盧奕銓 (Yi-Chuan Lu), PhD candidate, UC Berkeley

09/12 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
09/13 (Sun.) 8 am Taiwan

Atmospheric Science, Climate Change, GeoHealth, Thermoregulation

We add a prognostic model of several naked, sweat-covered humans to each grid cell of ten different global climate models (GCMs), and we evaluate their core body temperatures every 15 minutes for the entirety of the 21st century in the RCP8.5 scenario. Designed to model the response to extreme heat, this model of human thermoregulation avoids the uncertain empirical relations used in other thermoregulation models, such as the skin blood flow rate and sweat rate. The model is validated against physiological data and its implementation in each GCM is bias-corrected to guarantee a match of historical simulations with ERA-5 reanalysis. Although simple and computationally efficient, the model accounts for longwave and shortwave fluxes, sensible and latent fluxes, body size and albedo, and the level of physical exertion. The resulting data reveal the places that will become uninhabitable by 2100 by different metrics, such as the occurrence of days during which it is lethal to work and/or rest in sun and/or shade.