Tuesday, December 14, 2021

211218 在地老化社區草根性組織”Village”在美發展之研究


裘怡婷 (Yi-ting Chiu), Ph.D. Candidate, George Mason University

(12/18 updated: 請注意!原公告時間有誤,已更正為正確時間,日期不變)
12/18 (Sat.) 6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST
12/19 (Sun.) 3 am CET, 10 am Taiwan
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Gerontology, social worker, social innovation, local development, community development, community organizing, social entrepreneurship, local empowerment, Spatial analysis, grounded theory, field study, ageism


探討近二十年在美國快速發展,以協助居民在地老化為目標的社區草根性組織”Village”的現象。包括該組織形成的社會經濟原因、運作模式,以及在美國老年照顧體系中扮演的角色。使用混合研究方法包含了調查、個案訪談、空間分析、回歸分析、以及針對華府都會區老年照顧體系做的grounded theory study。目前全美超過250社區都有該組織的分布,另外在其他國家如加拿大、南非、荷蘭、澳洲等也有零星分布,該組織的經驗對包含台灣在內的高齡化社會極具參考價值

Sunday, December 5, 2021

211211 Continuous Bose-Einstein Condensation: The First Matter-wave Laser to Stay On

Continuous Bose-Einstein Condensation: The First Matter-wave Laser to Stay On

陳俊嘉 (Chun-Chia Chen), PhD, NIST

12/11 (Sat.) 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST
12/12 (Sun.) 2 am CET, 9 am Taiwan
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Physics, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO)

Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) are macroscopic coherent matter waves that have revolutionized quantum science and atomic physics. However, despite long running experimental efforts, continuous amplification of an atomic matter wave, preserving its phase coherence has remained an open challenge. Creating a continuous source of matter wave gain is key to realizing a continuous-wave (CW) BEC and by continuously extracting atoms to forming a continuous-wave atom laser. In this talk I will report our demonstration of continuous Bose-Einstein condensation by creating a continuous-wave (CW) condensate of strontium atoms that lasts indefinitely. It is a matter-wave equivalent of a CW optical laser with fully reflective cavity mirrors. This advance overcomes a fundamental limitation of all atomic quantum gas experiments to date: the need to execute several cooling stages time-sequentially. Continuous matter-wave amplification will make possible CW atom lasers, atomic counterparts of CW optical lasers that have become ubiquitous in technology and society.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

211204 Life after Migration: Foresee the Modernisation in the Urbanisation through Impacts of Remittances in Dili, Timor-Leste

Life after Migration: Foresee the Modernisation in the Urbanisation through Impacts of Remittances in Dili, Timor-Leste

Annie Wu, PhD, University of Sydney

12/04 (Sat.) 7 pm PST, 8 pm MST, 9 pm CST, 10 pm EST
12/05 (Sun.) 4 am CET, 11 am Taiwan
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Human Geography, Sustainable Development, urban geography, livelihood, aid and development


This talk explores the geographical and social impacts of remittance-sending behaviour and to conceptualise the sustainable development under the SWP on the lives of Timorese workers and their families. It focuses on the economic contribution of seasonal workers in the sending nation and the significance of the symbolic and socioeconomic meanings of remittances, which linked to the future development for its national strategy. The changes brought about by circular migration and its economic benefits are linked to opportunities for modernisation and sustainable development in Timorese society. As well, the future urbanisation and development, prompted by remittance’s impacts brought about migrants’ life quality improvement, is discussed alongside their socioeconomic endeavours that triggered the urbanisation process. I also therefore articulate that social mobility can be observed among migrant households through extended urbanisation process and distribution of resources in relation to the maintenance of the left-behind households’ livelihoods. Seasonal workers are the newly formed middle-class with increased purchasing power in the Dili capital to generate the economic vitality. Finally, relevant socio-geographical impacts in the extended community to map the future Timor-Leste are considered together to examine the role of sustainable development.