Monday, August 26, 2019

190831 Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG): Electronics and Applications

Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG): Electronics and Applications

張鑑元 (Chien-Yuan Chang), PhD, 日本理化學研究所 (RIKEN)

  • Chien-Yuan (Ted) Chang is a postdoc researcher at Quantum Functional System Research Group at Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN since 2019. Prior to this, he is a project researcher in the Tarucha Laboratory at the University of Tokyo. His current research focuses on constructing photon/spin interface in order to perform quantum state transfer and coherent entanglement transfer between entangled photon pairs to spin qubit in semiconductor.

徐晨軒 (Chen-Hsuan Hsu), PhD, 日本理化學研究所 (RIKEN)
  • Chen-Hsuan Hsu is a theoretical physicist in RIKEN, Japan. His research interests lie in the field of condensed matter physics. The research topics include topological states of matter, spin-orbit interaction, and Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid phenomena in various nanoscale systems such as nanowires/nanotubes, topological insulators, andquantum dots.

08/31 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
09/01 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

physics, condensed matter physics, two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), quantum dots, nanowires

Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) provides a playground for studies in the exotic quantum phenomena in low dimensions. Such solid-state system, basing on a similar fabrication process widely employed by semiconductor industries, are predicted to enable many promising next-generation applications, including, but not limited to, quantum computing, quantum communication and networking technologies due to the electron (spin) coherence time. In addition, electrons in the 2DEG systems can be further confined into one and zero dimension, therefore introduce fascinating topological particles in nanoscale electronic-devices.
張鑑元 (Chien-Yuan Chang)
We report on a coherent interface established through photo-excitation that shows photon-to-spin conversion in a GaAs quantum dot system. Single shot readout of a single electron spin is demonstrated, opening a pathway to further investigation on fundamental quantum physics such as quantum entanglement between a wide variety of quantum systems.
徐晨軒 (Chen-Hsuan Hsu)
I will present our work on characterizing the interaction strength of spin-orbit-coupled quantum wires. Such a system can be realized in InAs wires formed in 2DEG. Our results suggest that InAs wires can provide a platform with both strong electron-electron interaction and strong spin-orbit coupling, which are key ingredients for stabilizing Majorana bound states without applying magnetic fields.