Tuesday, December 14, 2021

211218 在地老化社區草根性組織”Village”在美發展之研究


裘怡婷 (Yi-ting Chiu), Ph.D. Candidate, George Mason University

(12/18 updated: 請注意!原公告時間有誤,已更正為正確時間,日期不變)
12/18 (Sat.) 6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST
12/19 (Sun.) 3 am CET, 10 am Taiwan
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Gerontology, social worker, social innovation, local development, community development, community organizing, social entrepreneurship, local empowerment, Spatial analysis, grounded theory, field study, ageism


探討近二十年在美國快速發展,以協助居民在地老化為目標的社區草根性組織”Village”的現象。包括該組織形成的社會經濟原因、運作模式,以及在美國老年照顧體系中扮演的角色。使用混合研究方法包含了調查、個案訪談、空間分析、回歸分析、以及針對華府都會區老年照顧體系做的grounded theory study。目前全美超過250社區都有該組織的分布,另外在其他國家如加拿大、南非、荷蘭、澳洲等也有零星分布,該組織的經驗對包含台灣在內的高齡化社會極具參考價值

Sunday, December 5, 2021

211211 Continuous Bose-Einstein Condensation: The First Matter-wave Laser to Stay On

Continuous Bose-Einstein Condensation: The First Matter-wave Laser to Stay On

陳俊嘉 (Chun-Chia Chen), PhD, NIST

12/11 (Sat.) 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST
12/12 (Sun.) 2 am CET, 9 am Taiwan
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Physics, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO)

Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) are macroscopic coherent matter waves that have revolutionized quantum science and atomic physics. However, despite long running experimental efforts, continuous amplification of an atomic matter wave, preserving its phase coherence has remained an open challenge. Creating a continuous source of matter wave gain is key to realizing a continuous-wave (CW) BEC and by continuously extracting atoms to forming a continuous-wave atom laser. In this talk I will report our demonstration of continuous Bose-Einstein condensation by creating a continuous-wave (CW) condensate of strontium atoms that lasts indefinitely. It is a matter-wave equivalent of a CW optical laser with fully reflective cavity mirrors. This advance overcomes a fundamental limitation of all atomic quantum gas experiments to date: the need to execute several cooling stages time-sequentially. Continuous matter-wave amplification will make possible CW atom lasers, atomic counterparts of CW optical lasers that have become ubiquitous in technology and society.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

211204 Life after Migration: Foresee the Modernisation in the Urbanisation through Impacts of Remittances in Dili, Timor-Leste

Life after Migration: Foresee the Modernisation in the Urbanisation through Impacts of Remittances in Dili, Timor-Leste

Annie Wu, PhD, University of Sydney

12/04 (Sat.) 7 pm PST, 8 pm MST, 9 pm CST, 10 pm EST
12/05 (Sun.) 4 am CET, 11 am Taiwan
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Human Geography, Sustainable Development, urban geography, livelihood, aid and development


This talk explores the geographical and social impacts of remittance-sending behaviour and to conceptualise the sustainable development under the SWP on the lives of Timorese workers and their families. It focuses on the economic contribution of seasonal workers in the sending nation and the significance of the symbolic and socioeconomic meanings of remittances, which linked to the future development for its national strategy. The changes brought about by circular migration and its economic benefits are linked to opportunities for modernisation and sustainable development in Timorese society. As well, the future urbanisation and development, prompted by remittance’s impacts brought about migrants’ life quality improvement, is discussed alongside their socioeconomic endeavours that triggered the urbanisation process. I also therefore articulate that social mobility can be observed among migrant households through extended urbanisation process and distribution of resources in relation to the maintenance of the left-behind households’ livelihoods. Seasonal workers are the newly formed middle-class with increased purchasing power in the Dili capital to generate the economic vitality. Finally, relevant socio-geographical impacts in the extended community to map the future Timor-Leste are considered together to examine the role of sustainable development.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

211120 Data Crisis in Astronomy - Machine Learning Techniques to Galaxy Studies

Data Crisis in Astronomy - Machine Learning Techniques to Galaxy Studies

鄭婷筠(Ting-Yun Cheng), PhD, Durham University

11/20 (Sat.) 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST
11/21 (Sun.) 2 am CET, 9 am Taiwan
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physics, astrophysics, machine learning, data analysis, galaxies

Nowadays, with current and future astronomical facilities and large-scale sky surveys, the size of astronomical data can exceed terabyte (TB) scale per observation night. Conventional analysis in Astrophysics becomes challenging, even impossible to apply to analyse numerous datasets generated in the coming era. Hence, machine learning techniques are introduced to astronomical studies. In this talk, I will introduce how machine learning techniques assist astrophysicists to our data crisis. In addition to the improvement in efficiency and accuracy of astronomical analysis, I will raise an attention to how a machine learning technique may help us to revolutionise current astronomical studies.

211113 Implementation of Fake News Prevention by Blockchain and Entropy-based Incentive Mechanism

Implementation of Fake News Prevention by Blockchain and Entropy-based Incentive Mechanism

陳建智 (Chien-Chih Chen), PhD student, The University of Waterloo

11/13 (Sat.) 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST
11/14 (Sun.) 2 am CET, 9 am Taiwan
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Computer Science, Blockchain, Security, Social media, and IoT, Authenticity, False information prevention, Malicious behaviors, Reward and punishment, Social media


Fake news is undoubtedly a significant threat to democratic countries because existing technologies can quickly and massively produce fake videos, articles, or social media messages based on the rapid development of artificial intelligence and deep learning. Therefore, human assistance is critical if current automatic fake new identification technologies desire to improve accuracy. Given this situation, prior research has proposed to add a quorum, a group of appraisers trusted by users to verify the authenticity of the information, to the fake news prevention systems. This paper proposes a stake-based incentive mechanism to diminish the negative effect of malicious behaviors on a quorum-based fake news prevention system. Moreover, we use Hyperledger Fabric, Schnorr signatures, and human appraisers to implement a practical prototype of a quorum-based fake news prevention system. The outcomes of the case analyses and experiments show that our mechanisms are feasible and provide an example for future research.

Monday, November 1, 2021

211106 細胞力學對染色體不穩定性的影響


陳耿元(Geng-Yuan Chen), PhD, University of Pennsylvania

11/06 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
11/07 (Sun.) 1 am CEST, 8 am Taiwan
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Cell Biology, Mechanobiology, 癌症生物學,有絲分裂,細胞力學,化學光遺傳學,細胞骨架

癌症細胞常伴隨錯誤的有絲分裂及染色體不穩定性(CIN) ,但多數致癌基因並不直接參與有絲分裂過程。因此除了致癌基因以外,癌症細胞可能有其他的機制產生CIN,例如:細胞力學性質改變。在分裂的過程中,著絲點(kinetochore)上的張力常被視為正常分裂的上游訊號,失去張力代表分裂異常且造成CIN。我今天將探討張力是如何提供下游訊號來協助細胞處理不同的染色體錯誤排列,進而降低CIN的發生。藉由了解力學性質與CIN的關係,我們將協助研究人員找出利用過度CIN迫使癌症細胞凋亡的方法。

Monday, October 18, 2021

211023 Optimization of batch crystallization processes by computational efficient frameworks

Optimization of batch crystallization processes by computational efficient frameworks

潘晧人 (Hao-Jen Pan), PhD student, NTU

10/23 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
10/24 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
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Chemical Engineering, Process Systems Engineering, optimal control theory, Pontryagin's minimum principle, model-based control, population balance modeling

With modeling of evolution of crystal size distribution by population balance equations (PBEs) and specific control performance index, model-based control of batch crystallization processes has been extensively studied over the past decades. However, profiles of the optimal control input (e.g., temperature trajectory) are apparently dependent on the single objective function selected, indicating existence of strong trade-off between them. In this research, a framework consisting of a coordinate transformation of the PBEs and optimal control theory is developed to analyze the trade-off quantitatively. The coordinate transformation helps to reduce computational burden in solving the PBEs (in the form of partial differential equations) and optimal control theory provides necessary condition of optimality to relevant multi-objective optimization problems. By further extend the framework, optimization of complex batch operation such as growth-dissolution cycling process can be also conducted with low computational cost.

Monday, October 11, 2021

211016 Comparison of Mother's Perceptions of and Treatment Seeking Intention for Youth Internalizing Symptoms in a Cross-Cultural Context

Comparison of Mother's Perceptions of and Treatment Seeking Intention for Youth Internalizing Symptoms in a Cross-Cultural Context

陳彥伶(Yen-Ling Chen), PhD student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

10/16 (Sat.) 8 pm PDT, 9 pm MDT, 10 pm CDT, 11 pm EDT
10/17 (Sun.) 5 am CEST, 11 am Taiwan
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Psychology, Clinical psychology, cultural values, internalizing symptoms, perceptions and attitudes, youth


Cross-cultural research systematically identifies variations in practices, meanings, and responses across different cultural groups. Psychiatric symptoms vary in their salience and degree to which they are reported across cultures, and a person's perception of psychiatric symptoms may influence their help-seeking intention. The present study examined the cultural mechanism of U.S. and Taiwanese mothers’ perceptions of internalizing symptoms (depressed mood and anhedonia) in youth. Using multilevel structural equation modeling, the mediation pathways demonstrated the mediating effect of adherence to East Asian cultural values (conformity, emotional self-control, and face culture) on the relationship between country of residence and mothers’ ratings of youth’s internalizing symptoms. Results from the present study informed the importance of a culturally sensitive approach to the practice of clinical psychology with youth.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

211003 早期傳教士華語學習對近代中國語言文化發展的影響


李黛顰 (Dai Ping Lee), 臺灣師範大學華語文教學系,博士生

10/03 (Sun.) 7 am PDT, 8 am MDT, 9 am CDT, 10 am EDT, 4 pm CEST, 10 pm Taiwan
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華語教學,華語教學史,語言學習中的跨文化交際,教材研發,傳教士華語學習, 華語教學史, 華語拼音文字

明末十六世紀抵華的天主教耶穌會傳教士,是西方最早開始有系統學習華語的族群。鴉片戰爭後,大批英荷美新教傳教士(基督教)抵華,掀起另一波對華語學習熱潮。這些早期傳教士的華語學習所發展出的華語學習的策略、教材與研究,以及兩種語言文化接觸時產生的對比性、衝突性和衍生的新觀點,也反向地對於目標語地產生刺激和影響,並促成近代中國在語言和思想上的自覺與革新。根據本文目前研究,認為有以下影響:1.促使華語二語學科的獨立 2.促進漢語語言學的發展3. 促使拼音文字的產生 4.提升傳統俗文學的地位 5.重視民間習俗,開啟對俗文化的研究 6.重視白話文學,間接促成白話文學運動。以上議題也是華語教學史中值得繼續的探討的方向。

Monday, September 20, 2021

210925 Semi-classical to quantum transport and it’s LED simulation application

Semi-classical to quantum transport and it’s LED simulation application

王冠中(Kuang-Chung Wang), Intel (Portland, OR, USA)

09/25 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
09/26 (Sun.) 2 am CEST, 8 am Taiwan
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electrical engineering, Quantum transport, NEGF, NEGF, quantum transport, drift-diffusion

"State-of-the-art industrial semiconductor device modeling is based on highly efficient Drift-Diffusion (DD) models that include some quantum corrections for nanodevices. In contrast, latest academic quantum transport models are based on the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method that cover all coherent and incoherent quantum effects consistently.Carrier recombination and generation in optoelectronic nanodevices represent an immense numerical challenge when solved within NEGF. In this work, the numerically efficient Büttiker-probe model is expanded to include electron-hole recombination and generation in the NEGF framework. Benchmarks of the new multiple-particle Büttiker probe method against state-of-the-art quantum-corrected DD models show quantitative agreements except in cases of pronounced tunneling and interference effects."

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

210918【夏季特別活動 08】庶民復興科學傳播精神


09/18 (Sat.) 7 am PDT, 8 am MDT, 9 am CDT, 10 am EDT, 4 pm CEST, 10 pm Taiwan
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在談笑之中,sky 演示科學邏輯在跨領域與生活中的運用,推廣承上啟下的科學精神,拓展科學人的職涯發展。sky歡迎你的加入,和我們一起,科學人生,喜劇面對!"

Monday, September 6, 2021

210912 【夏季特別活動 07】學術人面向公眾的書寫挑戰


任恩儀(Enyi Jen)

09/12 (Sun.) 6 am PDT, 7 am MDT, 8 am CDT, 9 am EDT, 3 pm CEST, 9 pm Taiwan
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Education, Communication, Science Communication, Mass communication, 公眾書寫、學術普及、科學普及、網路聲量、網路霸凌



Sunday, August 22, 2021

210828 【夏季特別活動 06】 Mentor - Mentee:留學申請文件撰寫

【夏季特別活動 06】 Mentor - Mentee:留學申請文件撰寫

劉穎瑄 (Ying-Hsuan Liu), PhD student, McGill University

08/28 (Sat.) 6:30 am PDT, 7:30 am MDT, 8:30 am CDT, 9:30 am EDT, 3:30 am CEST, 9:30 pm Taiwan
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現任博士生及博後分享 PhD 申請文件 SOP 及 CV 的重點,透過去年 Mentor - Mentee 活動更改過的文件,直接且詳細分析文章優缺點。邀請的講者跨文理領域,希望能盡可能幫助多領域的學生。

Sunday, August 15, 2021

210821 從夢想出發:走不同的人生路徑


年輕學者養成計畫專案辦公室 (Young Scholar Fellowship Program Office)

08/21 (Sat.) 8 am PDT, 9 am MDT, 10 am CDT, 11 am EDT, 5 pm CEST, 11 pm Taiwan
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科技政策, 人才培育

報名鏈結: Registration (報名已截止)

為協助年輕學者強化國際合作與鏈結,同時於後疫情時代接軌國際,持續交流與合作,國研院科政中心專案辦公室與總部設於北美洲的台灣年輕研究者協會(Project Tyra-Taiwanese Young Researcher Association)合作,於2021年8月21日舉辦國際座談會(online),邀請本計畫的年輕學者,分享職業生涯的選擇與取捨,希望透過線上對談的方式,交流博士後職涯的可能路徑,歡迎走在學術研究道路上的妳/你,與我們一同共渡這難得的交流時光。

Saturday, August 7, 2021

210814 【夏季特別活動 05】科學繪圖:Latex

【夏季特別活動 05】科學繪圖:Latex

劉俊麟 (Chun-Lin Liu), PhD, National Taiwan University

08/14 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
08/15 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
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Scientific illustration, Graphing tool, LaTeX, PGF/TikZ, 科學繪圖


Monday, August 2, 2021

210808【夏季特別活動 04】或去或留?談台灣新冠肺炎隔離與檢疫民眾的服從行為


李宣緯 (Hsuan-Wei, Lee), PhD, 中央研究院社會學研究所

08/08 (Sun.) 7 am PDT, 8 am MDT, 9 am CDT, 10 am EDT, 4 pm CEST, 10 pm Taiwan
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sociology, psychology, social psychology, COVID-19, compliance, negative emotions, quarantine, mediation analysis


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

210731【夏季特別活動 03】科學繪圖: Illustrator教學

科學繪圖: Illustrator教學

涂珉鳳, PhD, Wesleyan University

07/31 (Sat.) 1 pm PDT, 2 pm MDT, 3 pm CDT, 4 pm EDT, 10 pm CEST
08/01 (Sun.) 4 am Taiwan
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科學繪圖, 資料視覺化, Illustrator

投影片下載 : Link

在科學研究中,研究者必須具備蒐集數據、分析資料及描述事物的能力。透過圖像具體呈現研究概念和分析結果是常用的有效傳遞訊息方式,也是新手科學家必須學習和反覆練習的工具。鑒於缺乏統整給科學研究者的繪圖學習資源,我們舉辦第一場科學繪圖講座專題, 目標對象是博士生和博士後。在此演講中,涂老師將為大家介紹科學繪圖的重要性、思考流程以及使用的繪圖工具。

Monday, July 19, 2021

210724【夏季特別活動 02】2021 project Tyra 年度會員大會暨工作人員招募說明會

2021 project Tyra 年度會員大會暨工作人員招募說明會

陳信達 (Hsing-Ta Chen), PhD, University of Pennsylvania

07/24 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
07/25 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
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2021 project Tyra 年度會員大會暨工作人員招募說明會

Friday, July 16, 2021

210717【夏季特別活動 01】Mentor - Mentee:博士班申請綜談

Mentor - Mentee:博士班申請綜談

陳泰延 (Tai-Yen Chen), PhD楊曙銘 (Sue-Ming Yang), PhD

07/17 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
07/18 (Sun.) 2 am CEST, 8 am Taiwan
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- The purpose of pursuing a Ph.D.
- The timeline of applying for a Ph.D.
- How to decide which schools to apply for? - Introduction to the education system in the U.S.
- What resources are available for applying for a Ph.D.?
- How to get assistantships/scholarships?
- Possible career paths
- General Q&A
- Q&A with breakout rooms

Sunday, July 4, 2021

210710 Tracing Objects or Finding the Origin of Market Produce With Genetic Barcodes

Tracing Objects or Finding the Origin of Market Produce With Genetic Barcodes

莊漢英(Han-Ying Jhuang), PhD, Lehigh University (Bethlehem, USA)

07/10 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
07/11 (Sun.) 2 am CEST, 8 am Taiwan
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biology, biotechnology, genetic barcodes, CRISPR, microbes


Tracking objects or finding their source can be challenging and yet can be useful in scenarios such as a forensic scene or food-borne illness. We created synthetic microbes barcoded genetically that can be used to find the path or source of objects. The barcodes sustain disturbances and can be detected rapidly with our CRISPR/Cas system with high specificity and sensitivity. The platform is affordable and portable and thus suitable for in-lab and on-site investigations.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

210626 Experimental SWAP Test of Infinite Dimensional Quantum States in Trapped Ions

Experimental SWAP Test of Infinite Dimensional Quantum States in Trapped Ions

曾可維(ko-wei tseng), PhD student, Centre for Quantum Technology, National University of Singapore

06/26 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
06/27 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
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physics, quantum information, trapped ions, SWAP Test, quantum machine learning, hybrid quantum computer

Efficient overlap estimation of high-dimensional quantum states is an important task in quantum information and a core element in computational speedups of quantum machine learning. Here we experimentally demonstrate the SWAP test that measures the overlap of two motional states in a system of trapped 171Yb+ ions. Our hardware efficient SWAP test circuit can be implemented with constant gate time and without a priori knowledge of various target quantum state.

Monday, June 14, 2021

210619 Evaluation of the Effect of Recombinant GnRH Vaccine on the Reproductive Function Through Specific Antibody, Hormones, Testis Structure, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization in Adult ICR Male Mice

Evaluation of the Effect of Recombinant GnRH Vaccine on the Reproductive Function Through Specific Antibody, Hormones, Testis Structure, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization in Adult ICR Male Mice

章愛梅 (Ai-Mei Chang), PhD student, 國立屏東科技大學

06/19 (Sat.) 8 pm PDT, 9 pm MDT, 10 pm CDT, 11 pm EDT
06/20 (Sun.) 5 am CEST, 11 am Taiwan
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fertility control, Immunocontraception

The secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) regulates the reproductive endocrine system. The GnRH immunocontraception vaccine has been recognized as a potential tool for animal population control and management. We aimed to evaluate a recombinant GnRH fusion protein with MONTANIDE™ ISA 206 VG adjuvant as GnRH vaccine in adult ICR male mice based on anti-GnRH antibodies, concentrations of the sexual hormone, size and histomorphology of testis, semen quality. After intramuscular administration of vaccine to mice in weeks 0, 4, and 8, the response was assessed and observed that the inducing of the specific immune response at week 5 and maintain the specific antibody for at least weeks 24. Furthermore, our vaccine suc-cussed reducing the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone in serum. In addition, we observed that the atrophy of testis and decreased quality of sperm in concentration, sperm morphology, and viability in the vaccine group. Through the fertility test, we found that this vaccine decreases the mating and pregnancy rate. The vaccine in this study could be used as a tool for population management of free-living animals. However, future studies that evaluation the effect of the vaccine in specific species and in the field are needed.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

210605 Killing the Oblivious: A Scientific Analysis of the Incompetent to be Executed

Killing the Oblivious: A Scientific Analysis of the Incompetent to be Executed

蘇怡安(I-An Su), PhD student, Cornell University

06/05 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
06/06 (Sun.) 2 am CEST, 8 am Taiwan
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law, empirical legal studies, capital punishment, competency for execution, law and psychology

While there is growing research on criminal competencies concerning capital punishment from legal and psychological approaches, studies on competency for execution (CFE) can scarcely be found. Previous studies have primarily focused on its pertinent legal arguments, whilst little is known about the demographic, social/legal, and psychological/psychiatric variables that contribute to evaluating and determining the competency for execution. The ongoing study aims to continue constructing and analyzing the Killing the Oblivious database (Blume et al., 2014) and investigate the patterns behind the judicial decision-making process concerning the Ford/Penneti claims. Relationships among competency for execution and adjunctive competencies will be discussed.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

210522 The Invisible Risk: The Data Sharing Activities of Data Brokers and Information Leakage

The Invisible Risk: The Data Sharing Activities of Data Brokers and Information Leakage

王大維 (Tawei (David) Wang), PhD, DePaul University (Chicago, IL, USA)

05/22 (Sat.) 7 am PDT, 8 am MDT, 9 am CDT, 10 am EDT, 4 pm CEST, 10 pm Taiwan
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accounting information systems, information security management

Data brokers are the major players in the market of collecting, selling, and sharing user information. This paper considers data brokers’ data sharing activities as a co-opetition between data brokers and investigates how the information collecting and sharing activities may lead to information leakage on the dark web. We further examine whether the data broker registration law can deter such relationship. Using all the registered data brokers and their competitors as the sample, we find that data brokers’ co-opetition data sharing activities are positively related to information leakage on the dark web. In addition, the unregistered data brokers have higher information leakage compared to the registered data brokers. Our study provides an initial evidence on the consequences of data brokers’ data sharing activities and the potential effect of the new regulations.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

210514 兒童發展之基因環境交互作用 GxE Effects on Child Development/ 醫學資訊設計 Information Design for Healthcare

兒童發展之基因環境交互作用 GxE Effects on Child Development/ 醫學資訊設計 Information Design for Healthcare

姚乃嘉 (Nai-Jia Yao), PhD,National Taiwan University/World Confederation for Physical Therapy

05/15 (Sat.) 8 pm PDT, 9 pm MDT, 10 pm CDT, 11 pm EDT
05/16 (Sun.) 5 am CEST, 11 am Taiwan
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physical therapy, child development, information design, early intervention, gene-environment interaction, health promotion, cognitive development, motor development, behavioral development, health education

1. 兒童發展之基因環境交互作用 GxE Effects on Child Development:主要針對早期療育介入以及多巴胺相關基因對兒童發展(包括認知、動作、行為層面)與父母親親職壓力的影響,也探討基因與環境交互作用,期待長遠的未來能設計出個人化醫療方案。2. 醫學資訊設計 Information Design for Healthcare:致力於醫學資訊設計與科普教育,透過社群平台或活動推廣醫學知識給一般大眾。希望能和大家分享目前常見的數位行銷內容(例如:https://youtu.be/FHTu_cfzLNI),並一起討論更多可能的發展。

Monday, May 3, 2021

210508 Building protective superconducting qubits with granular Al superinductors

Building protective superconducting qubits with granular Al superinductors

呂文森 (Wen-Sen Lu), PhD, Rutgers University

05/08 (Sat.) 6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
05/09 (Sun.) 3 am CEST, 9 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

physics, condensed matter physics, superconducting qubits, cryogenic microwave circuits

Superinductors are an essential element of a novel qubit that we developed – the so-called bifluxon. The qubit consists of a superconducting loop formed by a Cooper-pair box (CPB) with low-E_J Josephson junctions shunted by a superinductor based on the granular Aluminum films, in which low-E_J Josephson junctions are realized between nanoscale grains. When the qubit loop is threaded by the magnetic flux Φ=Φ_0/2 (Φ_0 is the flux quantum), the bifluxon offers exponential suppression of energy decay from charge and flux noises, and dephasing from flux noise. We observed an increase of the energy relaxation time by two orders of magnitude, up to 100μs, by turning on the protection. In this talk I will discuss the general idea for building a protective superconducting qubit and dive into the experimental realization of superinductors and protective superconducting circuits.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

210501 Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Development in Early Childhood

Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Development in Early Childhood

洪一慈 (I-Tzu Hung), PhD student, Boston University

5/1 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8: m MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
5/2 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

psychology, developmental psychology, behavioral genetics, twin study, genes and environments, child development

雙胞胎研究作為行為遺傳學(behavioral genetics)的其中一個分支,探討基因與環境如何影響複雜人類行為。同時,基因與環境會隨著時間變化,造就人類行為發展中的改變。本次演講分為兩個部分,第一個部分涵括行為遺傳學的起源、各類研究設計、方法、與模型。第二個部分圍繞在講者所處的波士頓大學雙胞胎計畫—針對三百一十對學齡前雙胞胎進行為期三年的縱貫性研究,以及分享關於兒童氣質、幼兒入學準備能力、衝動控制發展中基因與環境的影響。

Sunday, April 18, 2021

210424 Improved Methods for Sampling the Configurational Space of Flexible Biomolecules

Improved Methods for Sampling the Configurational Space of Flexible Biomolecules

徐瑋澤(Wei-Tse Hsu), Ph.D. student, University of Colorado Boulder

04/24 (Sat.) 8 pm PDT, 9 pm MDT, 10 pm CDT, 11 pm EDT
04/25 (Sun.) 5 am CEST, 11 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

Computational biophysics, molecular dynamics, molecular dynamics, free energy calculations, advanced sampling methods, deep learning, biophysics

Molecular simulations, including molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations, have been widely used to gain insights into the transformation processes of condensed matter,including phase transitions, chemical reactions, and conformational changes of biomolecules. However, the usefulness of classical molecular simulations is severely restricted by kinetic bottlenecks in systems with a rough free energy surface. Metastable states separated by numerous free energy barriers are far from each other in the phasespace and have no probability overlap, leading to prohibitive computational cost for computational sampling. To address this challenge, various advanced sampling methods have been developed in the past decades. These methods, such as replica exchange,expanded ensemble, and metadynamics, greatly accelerate configurational sampling by either modifying the underlying free energy surface along selected slow degrees of freedom or bridging the gap between metastable states with a series of intermediate states. In this study, we provide an overview of the most commonly used methods. In light of the limitations of the existing methods, we also propose a variation of metadynamics, where alchemical variables can be biased as an allowed collective variable.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

210417 The experiences of Asian immigrant parents of children with disability in the US

Is it “their country” or our home? The experiences of Asian immigrant parents of children with disability in the US

黃意婷 (I-Ting Hwang), PhD, 臺大公共衛生學院健康行為與社區科學研究所 (Taiwan)

04/17 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
04/18 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

rehabilitation sciences, occupational therapy, parenting, disability, cross-cultural experiences, qualitative study

By 2055, Asian are projected to become the largest immigrant group in the US. However, studies showed that Asian immigrant parents face additional barriers when they access and utilize health and education services for their children with developmental disabilities (DD), compared to non-immigrant parents. This talk will focus on findings of two interrelated studies: 1) a meta-synthesis study focusing on Asian immigrant parents’ role enactment while supporting their children with DD in the US, and 2) a narrative study of five Chinese-speaking immigrant parents’ experiences of supporting their young adult child with DD transition from high school to adulthood.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

210410 社會創新與企業社會責任的關鍵十年


洪健庭 Chienting Hung, 台大政治所公共行政組碩士, 英國倫敦政經學院碩士

04/10 (Sat.) 6:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm MDT, 8:30 pm CDT, 9:30 pm EDT
04/11 (Sun.) 3:30 am CEST, 9:30 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

非營利經營管理 (第三部門), 非政府組織之人道救援, 企業社會責任, 企業永續發展, 印刷電路板(PCB), 企業創新


演講主要分為以下三個部分: 一、分享在英國倫敦政經學院的求學經驗和在印第安納大學慈善中心的短期研究經驗, 並分享目前於群翊工業在電子設備業中的角色和個人職涯經驗; 二、討論群翊工業在產業創新上的實踐方式;三、 綜合學校和職場的角度,討論企業在創新過程中如何提升其社會責任,並在未來十年,在2030年之前預期提供的改變。 最後也將提供群翊工業的相關徵才訊息。

Saturday, March 27, 2021

210403 My Tenure-Track Career Development With Research Adventure

My Tenure-Track Career Development With Research Adventure

陳嘉元 (Chia-Yuan Chen), PhD, National Cheng Kung University

04/03 (Sat.) 2:30 pm PDT, 3:30 pm MDT, 4:30 pm CDT, 5:30 pm EDT, 11:30 pm CEST
04/04 (Sun.) 5:30 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

engineering, BioMEMS, microfluidicis, artificial cilia, zebrafish, flow visualization

The academic tenure-track career is a fascinating path as it can provide an excellent opportunity to work for passion with long-term job security. Still, it takes several phases of review and time before the final recognition of the academic tenure. In this talk the relevant research experiences of mine from the academic and industrial perspectives will be given in the context of funded projects together with the availability of the research resources and support which paved the road to for me to move forward in the faculty journey. The provided information is expected to provide early career fellows with a good reference when it comes to the strategic planning and more importantly, extend the possibility for a better career impact.


Saturday, March 20, 2021

210327 Introduction to Electric Propulsion and Ongoing Projects at NCKU

Introduction to Electric Propulsion and Ongoing Projects at NCKU

沈明學 (Ming-Hsueh Shen), PhD student, University of Colorado Boulder

03/27 (Sat.) 7 pm PDT, 8 pm MDT, 9 pm CDT, 10 pm EDT
03/28 (Sun.) 4 am CEST, 10 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

aerospace, space propulsion, electric propulsion, plasma diagnostics

Space is a rising star. Decades past, there have been thousands of space probes, satellites, space stations, and rockets launched into orbit. Although Taiwan is a small island, we still believe that "space" is our unlimited space of imagination and technology demonstration. Taiwan has the outstanding semiconductor industry and machinery industry in the world. Also, our capability and potential of space science and technology are powerful and ranking. We would like to share our work on electric propulsion thrusters and diagnostics techniques developments at National Cheng Kung University in this talk.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

210320 Photonic Integration and High-Performance Tunable Laser Diodes

Photonic Integration and High-Performance Tunable Laser Diodes

蘇冠霖 (Guan-Lin Su), PhD, Intel

03/20 (Sat.) 5 pm PDT, 6 pm MDT, 7 pm CDT, 8 pm EDT
03/21 (Sun.) 1 am CET, 8 am Taiwan
Time zone conversion tool

electrical engineering, photonics, optics, semiconductor laser, photonic integration, integrated photonics


Similar to electronics, photonics may benefit from integration technologies in terms of efficiency, robustness, functionality, and manufacturing scalability. In particular, joining materials with diverse optical properties in a common substrate/interposer may allow the resultant device/system to surpass the performance limits of the constituent materials. As part of my work at UC Berkeley, I will discuss in this talk three possible photonic integration schemes (InP-to-Si, monolithic InP, heterogeneous InP/Si), in forms of a flexible, dynamic laser power distribution system and a new class of high-performance, frequency-tunable laser diode.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

210314 COVID19感染早期抗體形成的免疫復合物引起巨噬細胞的過度免疫反應


陳泓任 Hung-Jen (Oliver) Chen, PhD student, Amsterdam University Medical Centers

03/14 (Sun.) 7 am PDT, 8 am MDT, 9 am CDT, 10 am EDT
03/14 (Sun.) 10 pm Taiwan
(Note: Daylight saving starts on March 14th in US)

medicine, immunology, COVID19, SARS-CoV-2, macrophage, immune complex, inflammation



Sunday, February 28, 2021

210306 Scaling and Integration of Organic and Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Enabled by Photolithography

Scaling and Integration of Organic and Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Enabled by Photolithography

柯統輝, PhD, Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC), Belgium

03/06 (Sat.) 9 am PST, 10 am MST, 11 am CST, 12 pm EST
03/07 (Sun.) 1 am Taiwan

organic and hybrid electronics, display, Imager, high resolution, display, AR/VR


Photolithography is the critical enabler to realize the scaling and integration of organic and hybrid electronics (OHE). This presentation will show our works regarding organic complementary circuits and Fine-Metal-Mask (FMM)-free sensor-in-display integration. We will show results in ultralow-power transponder, line drivers for AMOLED display, cathode patterning on top of OLED, and OLED characteristics after multiple photolithographic patterning steps.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

210206 從數據閱讀建築、環境和能源 - 以台灣能源數據為例

從數據閱讀建築、環境和能源 - 以台灣能源數據為例

傅群 (Chun Fu), PhD student, National University of Singapore

02/06 (Sat.) 4:30 pm PST, 5:30 pm MST, 6:30 pm CST, 7:30 pm EST
02/07 (Sun.) 8:30 am Taiwan

building, built environment, building science, data science, machine learning, energy consumption

近幾十年來,建築能源預測一直都是研究的熱點。無論是簡單的傳統統計模型到複雜的機器學習模型,或是屬白盒子(white box)的物理模型到屬黑盒子(black box)的純數據驅動(data-driven)模型,都提供了不同角度的能源預測思維。在2019年底,ASHRAE在Kaggle平台上舉辦了”ASHRAE - Great Energy Predictor III”機器學習競賽,能源數據集包含了全球15個城市的近1500棟建築物用電。競賽目標是提出最能準確預測能源的模型方案,本演講會分享此競賽的過程和優勝方法回顧。另外,如今大量收集和開放的數據越來越多,如Google trends和氣象預報資料,本演講也會分享這些數據如何使得建築能源模型更加準確。演講的最後,會以台灣電力公司的能源開放數據搭配氣象局的氣象預報,實作展示一個簡單的機器學習預測服務,並且與官方提供的能源預測服務作比較。

Saturday, January 23, 2021

210130 Atom Probe Microscopy and Its Latest Applications

Atom Probe Microscopy and Its Latest Applications

陳翊昇 Yi-Sheng (Eason) Chen, PhD, The University of Sydney

01/30 (Sat.) 5 pm PST, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, 8 pm EST
01/31 (Sun.) 9 am Taiwan

Materials Science, Microscopy, Hydrogen Embrittlement, Hydrogen Energy, Materials Characterization


三維原子探針(Atom Probe Tomography)是一種近年來快速發展的材料顯微術,這種技術能提供原子級的材料化學成分分布圖,被廣泛運用在各種材料科學研究當中。近年來APT在偵測效率以及先進樣品製備技術上有快速的發展,這些發展促成了APT被應用於了解金屬的氫脆現象,近5年來講者在此領域中數度取得重要突破,於2017年與2020年各有一篇論文獲刊在《Science》期刊上。此演講將會簡介APT技術原理與近年應用發展,期望Tyra聽眾能夠對此技術有更多了解,以利建立未來合作。

Sunday, January 17, 2021

210123 從衛星看見人:都市變遷、搬家與心理健康─運用遙測數據與機器學習之跨領域研究 From Pixel to People – Using Satellite Imagery to Monitor Urban Dynamic in Relation to Mental Health

從衛星看見人:都市變遷、搬家與心理健康─運用遙測數據與機器學習之跨領域研究 From Pixel to People – Using Satellite Imagery to Monitor Urban Dynamic in Relation to Mental Health

陳慈忻 (Tzu-Hsin Karen Chen), PhD, Yale University

01/23 (Sat.) 6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST
01/24 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

geography, environmental science, public health, health geography, urban planning, remote sensing, geographic information system, mental health, urban structure, satellite images, artificial intelligence


By 2050, another 2.5 billion people are expected to live in urban areas. To fulfill the needs of urban population growth, policymakers are planning new housing projects and urban revitalization. As urban dwellers have often been found at higher risk for depression and anxiety, it would be interesting to consider: Does the urban environment in general create stress, or possibly relieve stress? How is living in a ten-story apartment in the downtown associated with mental health differently from living in a suburban townhouse? These questions have been difficult to answer because data on historical urban structures are often lacking. Fortunately, satellite images provide a big data source to quantify urban structure and its subtle changes. Through these interdisciplinary studies I dived in during my PhD, I will introduce “urban form” and focus on the following questions (1) What is it? (2) How to monitor it? (3) What are the implications of it for mental well-being?

Sunday, January 3, 2021

210109 Introduction to Particle Transport Simulation - Deep Penetration Problems

Introduction to Particle Transport Simulation - Deep Penetration Problems

王孟仁 (Vince Wang), PhD, University of Utah

01/09 (Sat.) 6 pm PST, 7 pm MST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST
01/10 (Sun.) 10 am Taiwan

radiation transport, applied physics, radiation transport, monte carlo method, variance reduction, high performance computation

Particle transport is important for radiation dose calculation for the radiation workers. These simulations are typically called deep penetration problems. With extremely low sampling probability, expensive computational resources is required. To solve the problem, variance reduction technique is required. In this talk, traditional and new variance reduction approaches will be presented. Sample problem from real world will be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithms.