Saturday, March 21, 2020

200328 Identifying Potential Therapeutics for Modulating Neutrophil Inflammation

Identifying Potential Therapeutics for Modulating Neutrophil Inflammation

許翊輝 (Alan Y. Hsu), PhD student, Purdue University

03/28 (Sat.) 3 pm PDT, 4 pm MDT, 5 pm CDT, 6 pm EDT
03/29 (Sun.) 6 am Taiwan

Biological sciences, Cell biology/immunology, Neutrophil, Cell migration, Inflammation, MicroRNA, Zebrafish

Neutrophils are the first cells recruited to an immune stimulus stemming from infection or sterile injuries via a mixture of chemoattractant cues. In addition to eliminating pathogens, neutrophils coordinate the overall inflammation by activating and producing inflammatory signals in the tissue while modulating the activation of other immune cells which in some cases leads to adverse tissue damage. Over amplified or chronic neutrophil recruitment directly leads to autoimmune diseases including rheumatic arthritis, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. Dampening neutrophil recruitment is a strategy to intervene in neutrophil-orchestrated chronic inflammation. Despite intensive research, clinical studies targeting neutrophil migration have been largely unsuccessful, possibly due to the prominent redundancy of adhesion receptors and chemokines. Additional challenges lie in the balance of dampening detrimental inflammation while preserving immunity. We thus performed a neutrophil-specific microRNA (miRNA) overexpression screen in zebrafish and identified 9 miRNAs as potent suppressors of neutrophil migration.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

200321 Better Together: Gratitude in Romantic Relationships

Better Together: Gratitude in Romantic Relationships

張硯評 (Yen-Ping Chang), PhD, Academia Sinica

03/21 (Sat.) 5:30 pm PDT, 6:30 pm MDT, 7:30 pm CDT, 8:30 pm EDT
03/22 (Sun.) 8:30 am Taiwan

Social psychology, Emotion, Relationship, Gratitude

In this talk, I'll talk about some of the new research findings of ours--including observational and experimental--about the roles of the emotion gratitude for promoting romantic dyadic bonds. As always, gratitude is found to help with relationships. But do come and hear how we dig deeper into the many ways gratitude does the work as well as a newly designed couple intervention of gratitude.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

200314 Understanding Lifestyle Factors and Exercise for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Mixed Methods Research

Understanding Lifestyle Factors and Exercise for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Mixed Methods Research

洪肇基 (George Hong), PhD candidate, RMIT University

*本週北美地區日光節約時間 (Daylight Saving Time) 開始,請注意時差變化
03/14 (Sat.) 9 pm PDT, 10 pm MDT, 11 pm CDT, 12 am EDT (+1 day)
03/15 (Sun.) 12 pm Taiwan

Psychology, Health Psychology, Exercise Psychology

Daily lifestyle factors such as quality of diet, physical activity, sleep behaviour, and screen time represent surging research interest in understanding and treating childhood ADHD due to the concerning side effects of medication. The present research examines significant factors related to lifestyle and participation in physical activity. In the survey study, parents regarding their children’s sleep, diet, screen time and physical activity variables as a novel attempt to examine potential mediation paths among the lifestyle variables. Constituting a mixed methods approach, interviews studies that explore the preferences and challenges to engaging children with ADHD in physical activity and exercise programs to promote more efficient exercise intervention and treatment programs for ADHD with cross-cultural insights between western (Australia) and eastern (Taiwan) countries.