朱明希 (Ming-hsi Chu)

PhD student

History Department, Northwestern University

History of international law, modern East Asian legal history, war and law, international economic law

Ming-hsi Chu is a first-year Ph.D. student at History Department, Northwestern University. He received his B.A, LL. B, and LL. M. from National Taiwan University. He also studied at Hokkaido University (Japan) as an exchange student. He is qualified for the Taiwan bar with some practical experience in Taiwan and Japan. His research field includes the history of international law, modern East Asian history, and comparative legal history. He is now researching on extraterritoriality in China and Japan, war crime trials after WWII, and the history of war and law.

20' Talks
  • 0822  Regulating American Citizens in China: Revisiting U.S. Extraterritoriality in the Early 20th Century  [Link]

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