Sunday, May 14, 2017

170520 Dark Matter, SuperCDMS Experiment, and the Super(conductive) Future of Particle Physics

Dark Matter, SuperCDMS Experiment, and the Super(conductive) Future of Particle Physics

Yen-Yung Chang (Caltech)

05/20 (Sat.) 15:00 PDT, 16:00 MDT, 17:00 CDT, 18:00 EDT,
05/21 (Sun.) 06:00 Taiwan

Join the talk on BlueJeans:

(如需 YouTube 演講錄影連結請直接聯絡講者。)

This talk will focus on dark matter, the concept public media refers to more often as “Cosmos’ 10 (or 5) greatest mysteries [1],” or “the 26% (or 95% if they’ve got the idea wrong) of the Universe no one understands [2].” I will separate the talk into two seemingly unrelated parts: 1. Dark matter physics and experiments for direct detection and 2. cryogenic solid state physics and superconductive microwave technology. After the talk, we will poll on if you are convinced the two paths will merge. The content of this talk, hopefully also our poll data, will be published in summer, so I appreciate if you’d discuss with me before recording or distributing the material.

part 1:  dark matter, (nuclear/electronic) elastic scattering, SuperCDMS
part 2:  phonon, superconductivity, Kinetic Inductance Detector (KID)

Prerequisite knowledge:
undergraduate physical science/engineering background
read the Wiki introduction of one of the keywords you are interested in

[1] e.g. Dark Matter, Darker Still: The Cosmos' Greatest Mystery Deepens, TIME, Oct. 26th, 2011
[2] e.g. The Dark Side of the Universe, The Guardian,  Mar. 2nd, 2016

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