Sunday, November 12, 2017

171111 Educational inequality from a psychology perspective: gender gap in STEM as a brief example

Educational inequality from a psychology perspective: gender gap in STEM as a brief example


謝大洋 (Diane Hsieh)


11/11 (Sat.) 3 pm PDT, 4 pm MDT, 5 pm CDT, 6 pm EDT
10/12 (Sun.) 7 am Taiwan

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「教育不平等」常常是個令人感覺熟悉但又陌生的概念。如此複雜但又容易人人都能大談闊論的現象到底能怎麼用科學的方法解釋? 我將以簡單介紹美國的種族教育不平等開頭,帶入階級和城鄉差距,最後著重討論理科教育中的性別不平等。其中會穿插一些台灣教育現況的數據,討論在美國研究台灣教育不平等的一些困境。 我主要會從發展心理學的角度切入,介紹一些研究方法和理論,但也非常歡迎跨領域的對話和經驗分享。 “Educational inequality” is often a familiar yet strange concept. How can we empirically understand this complex phenomenon that everyone somehow seems to have strong opinion about? I will start by presenting an overview of the race achievement gap in the U.S., touch briefly on income and urbanicity differences, and spend most of the talk discussing gender gap in the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). I will also incorporate some statistics about educational inequality in Taiwan, and discuss some limitations in studying it. I will discuss educational inequality mostly from a developmental psychology perspective, introducing some methodology and theories commonly used by the discipline. Yet education is truly at the intersection of many areas of study (e.g., sociology, economy, public policy), so exchange of knowledge or experiences from the audience would be highly appreciated.

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