Tuesday, May 28, 2019

190601 Under Renovation: Large-Scale Societal Events Induce Shifts between Moral Ideologies

Under Renovation: Large-Scale Societal Events Induce Shifts between Moral Ideologies

06/01 (Sat.) 6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
06/02 (Sun.) 9 am Taiwan

Psychology, Social Psychology, Morality, Culture, Social change


The literature of moral foundations theory has revealed a wide array of cross-sectional differences in how societies conceptualize morality. Yet less attention has been paid to cross-temporal differences—thus, changes—in collective moral ideology within a given society. Here, we tested the hypothesis that morality is consistently redefined—renovated—in the service of the interest of the society in the face of widespread social changes. Using the U.S. President’s congressional speeches (Study 1), social media big-data (Study 2), and multi-wave questionnaires (Study 3), we report evidence of this kind of moral renovations of Americans’ moral ideologies during the 9/11 terrorist attack (Study 1), the 2007 economic recession (Study 2), and the 2016 presidential power transition (Study 3). We address three alternative explanations—participants became conservative under threat, desired to justify the status quo, or were experiencing non-foundation-specific moral hyper-activation—and discuss the findings in terms of the malleable and functional nature of morality.

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